1001 Things For 2010
Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart…
Here we go. This is the Perfect example of why I need to find a way to make New Year's resolutions that I can keep. We are far closer to February 1, 2010 than we are to January 1, 2010 and I am just now getting around to making my list of resolutions. Not exactly true. I made them a couple of weeks ago, but am just now finding the time to Post them. Procrastination? Yes. Time Management problem? Even more so.
The above is the exact reason why it was so important for me to find a better solution to the requisite Resolution. I found my solution, after carefully reviewing different books, websites and blogs. After the turmoil and chaos of 2009-I don't know about you, but 2009 was not the best year for me.
I decided that 2010-New Year-New Decade, will not be just new, but will be the time for change in my life. It's time to get my life in order. I want to become more organized at home and at work.The most important goal for me is to make choices & changes so that I can be happy. I am determined to find happiness and hopefully bring happiness to others regardless of, because of, or despite of the economy or any other intervening factors.
I found a few websites and one book that give us the opportunity to find happiness or Bliss, as some people call it and to do what we can to make those around us (friends, family and strangers) happy as well.
I found a way to begin my "Happiness Project." I mean I found a way to make the most of everyday life experiences. I found a way to bring happiness into my life. I hope to share happiness with as many people as I can.
"My List for 2010"
I will start with my list of 101. The first 25 listed below; remaining to follow in the next few days:
1. Finish Revising my Manuscript
2. Learn more about Writing Query letters, literary agents & Publishers, etc.
3.Continue working on my Novel in Progress, my (NIP)
4. Make a commitment to write everyday and set up a schedule and STICK TO IT, no matter what
5. Send out at a minimum, one query letter per month.
6. Accept that Rejection is part of the process
7. Attend at least two (2) Fiction Writers conferences, workshops or retreats, hopefully one on the East Coast and one on West Coast
8. Don't just sit back and listen~n~learn, make the effort and use my confidence to approach other writers, both published an unpublished; agents; editors, publishers etc. Make use of the money I am spending to learn and network
9. Learn how to develop my on-line Author's Platform during the first 6 months of 2010
10. Second parts of 2010 actually have my Author's platform up, running and working to expose my book and me.
11. Stop Letting the little things bother me
12. Give me law practice 110% of me during normal business hours, but once I get home take care of & spend time with my kids and my husband*Leave work @ the office
13. Begin writing real letters, with Pen, paper, envelope and addressing them, place a stamp and mail (shoot for once a month)
14. Begin volunteer work (something that Blake, Bennett, Ainsley, Alan and Logan can help me do) so they will learn the joy of helping others and see how much others really do need.
15. Spend more quality time with my kids (before they are so old they don't want to spend time with me) and stop worrying about trying to be the best damn trial lawyer. I would rather be remembered as the best mom than the best lawyer
16. Get my entire home organized. I mean very organized, to the point of being called "anal"; I am working on it now. I am very into tags, labels and wall hooks, anything unusual. If you know of a place to locate unique labels, files, etc. PLEASE, e-mail me or leave a comment
17. Start early getting kids ready for entrance exams into middle magnet school
18. Spend more time with each kid on their individual sport. If Blake wants to quit soccer, as talented as she is then get behind her 100% in gymnastics and a cheerleader tryout coach
19. Take time for one on one trips with each of the kids at different times and encourage my husband to do the same
20. Plan Blake's mom/daughter graduation trip
21. Send the letters and e-mails out for the ,mom/daughter book club start up
22. Get up at the same time each morning and go to bed at the same time each night regardless of whether or not I have work or the kids have school
23. Become more involved in the kids school
24. Make and keep all of Blake's appointments in Dallas (Speak to other mothers of hearing impaired children about carpooling to Dallas.
25. Reconnect with distant family & friends. Offer apologies were needed (if they refuse to accept) I cannot force them , but I can and will be willing to accept their apologies and I am ready to forgive those who have hurt me
Why a list of 101? Please check out a writer's blog that I recently stumbled upon for the details. It was so refreshing to find this site. It helped me understand that I cannot possibly accomplish all that I hope to in only 365 days.
I cannot do the author of the blog justice with my words so please read for yourself. You will walk away with a much better perspective on setting attainable goals within a reasonable time period.
The entire plan, project, goal, motivation etc. behind "My Happiness Project" originated from a very talented and creative writer.author, named Gretchen Rubin. She is the best selling author of the book titled "The Happiness Project" and the creator of the buzz going around the world inspiring millions to begin their very own Happiness Project.
Gretchen Rubin, is a best-selling writer whose new book, The Happiness Project, is an account of the year she spent test-driving studies and theories about how to be happier. On this blog, she shares her insights to help you create your own happiness project.
Buy the book
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What is a Happiness Project?
Your "happiness project" is your own project to take specific steps to boost your happiness. Start now!
To help you identify changes in your life that might make you happier, answer the following questions:
- What makes you feel good? What activities do you find fun, satisfying, or energizing?
- What makes you feel bad? What are sources of anger, irritation, boredom, frustration, or anxiety in your life?
- Is there any way in which you don't feel right about your life? Do you wish you could change jobs, cities, family situation, or other circumstances? Are you living up to your expectations for yourself? Does your life reflect your values?
- Do you have sources of an atmosphere of growth? In what areas of your life do you find progress, learning, challenge, improvement, and increased mastery?
Answering these questions provides a good road-map to the areas that you could tackle — and the Tools will help you stay engaged with your happiness project - The above, is an example of some of the useful advice and tools available at www.happinessprojecttoolbox.com Read more from this site. You cannot go wrong.
My First Goal:
- Stop Procrastinating
Why wait until I'm on my last pair of worn contacts to buy more? If you need 30 minutes to travel, why leave 29 minutes before? Stop buying gifts 10 minutes before the party! NO MORE PROCRASTINATION! –
This quote is borrowed from the Happiness Project's toolbox. It is an actual resolution of another member. I cannot credit the name of the person because it was submitted without a name..
Adding to this, I would say "If court starts at 9:30 and it takes 15 minutes to drive to court; I cannot leave at 9:15. Why? Because I have not factored in delay variables
- Traffic delays- I hit every red light when I am running late, whether it is to work or to take the kids to school or just to the dentist. Does this happen to you or is it just the perpetually "running late" people that have this luck?
- Weather delays- O.K I Live in Louisiana so you ask. "What weather delays? Well for some odd reason this winter has been cold for everyone. We even had to turn our heat on in our home. I hear the same for Miami, Florida. And Of course we have rainy day bad weather
- "Oops, Mom, I forgot my ____fill in the blank with any of 1001 words" and this usually comes as we are 5 minutes from school with less than 10 to get there
- "Oops self, I left my briefcase @home" see above.
- Flat tire
- Running out of gas- which does not happen to people that take care of business when they should, which is what this whole year for me is all about
- Parking- Ah what an idiot I am. Smart enough to pass two of the hardest State Bar Examinations on the first try, but not smart enough to factor in the time it takes to park and…
- The time it takes to actually get out of the car, yes for some of us this requires more than a few seconds.
- And after getting out of the car and feeding the meter-there is this little ole thing called actually walking from the parking lot to the courthouse of office.
- Duh! Time...Time...Time.... I apparently have no real concept of time, but will work on this as part of my happiness project.
I will Post my goals as I work on them via my happiness project, which I encourage you to join.
In a nutshell, set realistic goals to be accomplished within a reasonable and realistic time period.
365 days are far too few to complete what is needed. 1001 days however, gives you roughly 2.5 years a couple of seasons to work on your transformation
My goal is to work towards a new me, inner and outer me. It is sort of like the philosophy of dieting. There will always be a million gimmick diets or drop 100 pounds in a month ideas. Bottom line: gimmicks do not work and the answer is just too easy for us to take in.
To lose weight you have to modify your entire lifestyle. Take in fewer calories than you put out. Wow that's a no-brainer. I know, easier said than done, but you get the idea. No quick fixes. Eat healthy and exercise more.
The same theory applies to my alternative to New Year's Resolutions. I want to improve the whole package so that I am a happier person, thus hopefully capable of weathering the rough times and bringing happiness to others whenever I can.
Why did it take me nearly a full month into the New Year to post this? Because I am already practicing what I preach. Before I set my goals I researched and read the plethora of ideas, suggestion and list created by millions of others until I finally found what will work for me.
For me it is a combination of
- Reading the book "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin. I recommend this book more than any other book I have read in years and I read an average of 100 books per year on a conservative minimum-not including legal books related to work. This is a MUST read book
- http://www.thehappinessproject.com
- http://www.happinessprojecttoolbox.com/using_happiness_toolbox.html
- http://blissfullydomestic.com/2010/find-your-bliss-in-2010
The Bliss blog is dedicated to finding and sharing bliss in the New Year and new decade, which is in tune with my desire and design to seek and share happiness.
"Happiness is a feeling based on circumstances that we can't always control, but joy is something we can choose to have more of in our lives. Joy is something we can hold within us if we choose to."
"Find your Bliss." It is all about sharing, noticing, uncovering, discovering, and pursuing your bliss." http://blissfullydomestic.com/2010/find-your-bliss-in-2010
So this year is not about making resolutions because they are politically correct or popular. It is not about making unreasonable resolutions because we have vices that our loved ones have been nagging us to quit or give up. It is about finding happiness for ourselves and learning to share it with others.
So I will not make resolutions that I know I probably will not keep. Why set myself up for failure when what I want most is to succeed. I think I have found the right combination.
No quick fixes. Hard and dedicated lifestyle changes. Remember you can't lose 101 pounds in 30 days & any get rich quick scheme is just that, a scheme.
The very reason for not posting this sooner is evident to me that this new system is working. I am already spending more quality time with family. I have prioritized my life and if that means tardy or not timely blogs; I know you will all understand. In fact I expect no less of you than to put your family before your blog.
Happy New Year! Happy New Decade! Good luck on whatever project you choose or whatever resolutions you make.
I credit the following sites and authors for their hard work, creativity and motivation. Please take time to read the following:
http://www.womansday.com/package/Womans-Day-Happiness-Project · http://www.happiness-project.com/happiness_project/2009/10/note-to-self-dont-get-organized.
This toolbox ix my favorite and offers every possible opportunity and tid bit of advice we can use for reaching our goals in 2010. Don't miss the "List", "One line Journal" & my favorite; the " Group Resolutions"
The following links will take you directly to the pre-order page for The Happiness Project, on sale 12/29/2009.
Take care,
Melissa Sugar-Gold
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