Hello Everyone and welcome to what I hope will be a fun and informative blog. Now This is my second attempt. After researching the pros & Cons of Typepad and Wordpress, I originally went with wordpress, but apparently I am not computer savy enough to update to wordpress.org and the options for.com are ,..well let me just say I could not find many.
As a mom first and Lawyer second, this first post will be short because it is just about time to get in the carpool line. Let me tell you trying to run a law office and take care of kids is more than a plateful. It might be easier if I had a normal sane mother who really did want to help, but her help comes with so many strings, at 41years of age; I can't cut the cord. Not to mention she is so controlling that every nanny I hire (she pays on the side, befriends does whatever it takes to get all the juicy info on me) sadly she would be more satisfied with a piece of Juicy Fruit gum as I have nothing Juicy in my life to share.